Warning!! This book will positively impact your life.
How this book was born ...
Sometimes an idea hits you over the head and you "go with it." Other times, you slough it off and move on with your day.
Lynda Sunshine's husband, who is a musician, was watching a YouTube video of a band from the 1970s called The Talking Heads. The song he was listening to is called "The Book I Read." As they watched the goofy video while laughing hysterically, Scott said something that Lynda Sunshine heard loud and clear. He said, "You should do a collaboration book called The Book I Read." They both laughed, then Lynda Sunshine said, "That's a great idea." So here we are today, sharing this book that sparked from a small idea.
We immediately (we are action takers, after all) went to the drawing board and started thinking of ways to make this into a really cool book. We asked each other if there was a particular book that changed our life. Both of us, without hesitation, came up with the number one book that was transformational. It was through this conversation that we realized books have a way of changing people's lives if they are open to seeing the possibilities.
The idea came to us that we could share stories from 50 incredible women and men from all over the world that we've met during our journeys. In The Book I Read, these authors talk about the transformation they have experienced that started with reading one book. Because our authors are from all over the world, you may notice some words spelled (or spelt) differently than you're used to. We kept the spellings from their country to retain the integrity of each author's heritage.
From a math textbook to a child's Dr. Seuss book to the Bible to some of the self-help standards you're expecting, you may be surprised to read how their lives were transformed. No matter the book, the transformations are real.
You have undoubtedly read a book or two (maybe more) at some point in your life. Some of the books you've read have made a big difference and you were impacted to the point of transformation. That's what this book is all about. This is NOT a book report. This is NOT a book review. This is all about transformation.
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